Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Nordstrom @ Menlo Park: Social Networking

Nordstrom as a company has recently made great strides with utilizing social media and social networking to enhance their business. Nordstrom's greatest asset is it's well established reputation, but the rapid growth of social media can take thier business even further. However, Nordstrom on a smaller scale has not been as successful. Going store to store, Menlo Park being our focus, the company has not yet been nearly as successful.

Currently Nordstrom has approximately 42,000 followers on Twitter and 1.3 million likes on Facebook. In comparison, Nordstrom Menlo Park has a mere 6 followers on Twitter and 103 likes on Facebook. Here is what the store manager, Brian Sanders, had to say on the topic of social networking:

"Our store put tweets out but they weren't connecting with customers outside of the store because people wouldn't come to the Menlo Park Facebook page. People would talk about fashion that they like. It is better to use the company page rather than individual store Facebook Pages. Pinterest is now being used by customers by putting pictures of pieces of clothing and merchandise they like."



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